Peer Mountain is the cross blockchain protocol that connects self sovereign ID holders with businesses, enabling commerce at scale.

The only decentralized identity and compliance ecosystem that puts people in control of their protected personal information, delivers instant cost effective risk reduction to businesses and pays ID verifiers for their trustworthiness.

Peer Mountain goes beyond providing users with ownership and control over their cryptographically secure identities. It is an end-to-end application ecosystem that facilitates secure commerce and exchange of digital and physical services.

Helping businesses engage and protect their customers

Peer Mountain is making blockchain commerce a reality. Using a forms-based architecture, businesses can seamlessly transact data with self-sovereign identity (SSID) solutions to improve the security and efficiency of their commercial operations.

Patent-pending Peerchain™ technology encrypts and decentralizes data in all its states, providing businesses with automated regulatory data protection compliance and push-button auditing.

  • Automated onboarding increases operational efficiency
  • Swift, secure ID verification improves customer experience
  • Blockchain audit trail provides push-button auditing and instant regulatory data protection compliance
  • Decentralized data operations reduce risk of data breaches and hacking

Peer Mountain is always FREE for individuals. They simply need to download the mobile app and set up their profile to start enjoying the benefits of membership in Peer Mountain’s ecosystem of identity, trust, and commerce.

Solving the digital identity crisis

Official identity 
Information can be stolen from organizations that centralize the data they collect.

Personal identity
Details are commodities that can be purchased for potentially corrupt purposes.

One Digital Identity
Peer Mountain facilitates identity consolidation through an intuitive mobile application, providing the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive, blockchain-based identity protection.

This is Peer Mountain

Peer Mountain Token (PMTN)

Utility token fueling the Peerchain protocol
Verifiers earn PMTN based on trustworthiness
Attestations become new revenue streams for institutions

Mobile app

App in Alpha
v.1 release in Fall
Co-build with major financial institution


A seamless P2P blockchain network made up of Peer Mountain instances; that is, blocks of nodes across parties that require trust.

Practically Invulnerable to Fraud and Theft
Control your data in a distributed system that makes hacking unfeasible.

Scalable Beyond Today’s Blockchain Capacity
Segment services across Peer Mountain deployments securely and transparently.

Granular Control
Only share and validate encrypted data according to transaction requirements

Truly Peer-to-Peer
Peer Mountain serves consumers who want self-sovereign identity, service providers who need continuous, reliable compliance, and trust providers offering validation services who need trust interoperability and portability.

Auditable and Accountable
Gain assurance 


We have also filed trademarks for the Peer Mountain and Peerchain™ brands with EUIPO trade mark numbers 017282931 and 017350182, respectively. It is our intent to release the Peer Mountain client SDK for Android and iOS as open source, and to open-source the Peer Mountain Attestation Engine SDK. It is also our intent to submit the Peerchain™Protocol for RFC in order to develop an open standard that can be used as widely as possible in any economic context.

Peerchain™ Protocol

Every operation in Peer Mountain is defined by a message type. These messages are wrapped in an envelope that provides the basic common information about all operations. The messages themselves contain the specifics about their respective operation. Messages that alter the state of the system are hashed and timestamped in an immutable blockchain layer.
Service providers, or other external entities (e.g. regulators), may run blockchain nodes without necessarily running Message/Object storage nodes.
Only the message identifier and hashes related to the content of the message is stored on the blockchain layer. All other information is kept in a high-performance database.

Cross-Chain Compatibility

Different blockchains are not compatible across chains, and are incapable of handling cross-chain transactions across multiple chain instances.
Peer Mountain overcomes this challenge. Chains and storage make up the operating layer of each instance. The patent-pending PeerchainTMProtocol then enables Peer Mountain users to communicate across instances, so they can transmit digital assets across chains. In addition, digital signatures recorded in one instance remain legally binding throughout the Peerchain

Efficient, Transparent Transactions

Latency in communication between a blockchain’s nodes nodes as it establishes consensus across the chain limits its transaction capacity. This means that blockchains seem unable to process transactions at the speed required for large-scale transaction processing systems.
We’ve taken an innovative approach to addressing this limitation. We believe that a blockchain does not need to operate globally on every possible node. Instead, Peerchainscan co-exist and work in harmony, each focusing on a part of the larger ecology of trust.
Each Peer Mountain instance operates a Peerchain that we can deploy to a service provider, their regulator, their auditors, and any appropriate industry watchdog or consumer protection group. Anyone wishing to review the integrity of the chain can access a publicly available chain explorer.

Peerchain Technology

Clients see Peer Mountain instances transparently.
Attestations are portable across instances.
Instances are deployed by service providers operating in regulated industries.



Blockchains are not meant to store large amounts of data, which makes perfect sense: the smaller the data structures, the more efficient the blockchain.
Peer Mountain chains store hashes that refer to, and retrieve, encrypted information held in off-chain storage. A Peer Mountain instance can store encrypted objects on Storj, IPFS, HDFS, TahoeFS, Amazon S3, or any other available storage solution that delivers consistent, high-level read/write performance.

High Scalability

Due to their consensus mechanism, blockchains require a higher data throughput. However, blockchains don’t have the capacity to handle large quantities of transactions simultaneously.
Peer Mountain allows for secure and transparent service segmentation across blockchain deployments. This means an organization can deploy services that require a high volume of real-time transactions on a dedicated Peer Mountain blockchain, while deploying the rest of their services on a common Peer Mountain blockchain.
For example, a bank could run separate instances for current accounts, specific types of credit cards, and auto loans. This setup splits the transaction volume across instances, enabling the bank to achieve higher cross-service data throughput, as well as cross-instance data compatibility. This means the bank can use information from a customer’s credit card dossier in the auto loan and current accounts instances.

Use Cases

As Peer Mountain is an open protocol, businesses can apply it to any use case where they need personal information from customers, and need to verify their identities.

A driver can complete and submit a car rental form with a few taps and instantly receive digital keys to their rental in their PM profile.

The car rental agency gets ID verification, and all other required information, without actually seeing any data.

The driver can use multiple ID verifiers to complete complex forms, then give the car rental agency access to the verifications – never detailed personal information.

An ecosystem of identity, trust, and commerce

Peer Mountain sits at the intersection of
  • Businesses who need continuous, reliable data protection compliance and efficient service delivery
  • People who want self-sovereign identity
  • ID verifiers seeking new revenue streams.

Peer Mountain connects all three groups as the facilitating technology for a versatile trust ecosystem.

Businesses can speed up, and protect form-reliant processes with an enterprise-driven solution that is fully compatible with other SSID solutions.

Peerchain™ unlocks blockchain’s full potential

Patent-pending PeerchainTM architecture solves some of the key issues of this rapidly evolving technology, offering a wealth of benefits that include:

Easy scalability
Anyone can run as many local instances as they wish.

Maximum versatility
Blockchain-agnostic architecture ensures that Peer Mountain instances function seamlessly on any blockchain platform.

New revenue streams
Anyone can be an ID verifier and earn PMTN whenever their verifications are used in the Peer Mountain ecosystem.

Instant data protection compliance
People share only the information they want to share, and not the data itself, but verifications based on zero-knowledge proof.

Increased business opportunities
PeerchainTM offers access to new international markets in the blockchain sphere.

The Peer Mountain Token (PMTN)

The PMTN is the utility token for measuring the value of trust within Peer Mountain’s peer-to-peer ecosystem. Token holders can use it to pay for ID verifications in the Peer Mountain network.

With millions of trust-based transactions occurring daily, the demand for PMTN is likely to grow. Due to its finite supply, the token is also likely to rise in value as transaction velocity and utilization increases.

Designed using Ethereum, the ERC-20 compatible PMTN is cross-chain compatible. Holders can exchange or use it across multiple Peer Mountain instances, with the Ethereum mainnet acting as a transfer rail.

Get bonus PMTN in the early rounds of the ICO

Get 30% bonus PMTN the 1st round of our transparent, fair, and compliant ICO – sign up now to get on the whitelist!


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there conflicting information on your Bitcointalk thread and the information about your token sale on your website?

We have recently partnered with award winning ICO advisory TokenMarket, and together we have come to the conclusion that we would like to make some adjustments to our Token event. This will focus on better rewarding the community and contributors which will in turn improve the project. We are thus making these amendments and will update all very shortly via our channels.

How is the Peer Mountain token sale financed?
Investment to date is from KYC3 and some of the advisors. All stakeholders are represented in the team/advisor pages on the site.

Will the Peer Mountain project be reviewed and/or open sourced?
The mobile SDK and the Attestation Engine SDK will both be open sourced.
The whole system (code, crypto and deployment architecture) will be reviewed before putting the first production pliot in place with our Swiss partner.

Are you planning to add any more team members or advisors in the near future?
We are hiring more developers and community manager. We are considering an Ambassador Advisor program for community outreach.

How safe is it to upload identity documents to your website and app?
The Peer Mountain website and mobile app will handle and protect ID data in accordance with data protection laws in effect.

Is Peer Mountain using a reputable 3rd party for KYC verification?
Peer Mountain is using KYC3 for KYC verification.



Author: Vincent
Admin group Airdrop & ICO:
My bitcointalk:;u=1190609
Myetherwallet: 0x5A68BedC4609AB68a2f14CD610B06786983Fe804

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