WEMARK - License Photos Directly From Top Photographers

Wemark is a different kind of stock photography marketplace
License and download incredible photos taken by professional photographers. From low-cost photos to exclusive content - get photos at the best rates. Support photographers - licensing photos directly from creators means they get to keep much more of their work.

Recent Photos



Forget what you know about stock photography,
Wemark is different.
Wemark is not a stock photo agency
Photographers licence their photo directly to customers with no middleman involved, hence customers get better prices.

Photographers earn more for their work
Wemark sets a new standard for stock photography royalties - photographers keep 85% of the photo sale price.

New level of transparency, powered by the blockchain
The Wemark Protocol, powered by the Ethereum blockchain, ensures a higher standard of transparency. All transactions and licenses are registered on a public ledger and turn immutable.

Digital currency instead of credits
As a next generation platform, Wemark supports its own digital currency. Wemark Tokens allow for both customers and photographers to become a part of the platform's economy and value.

Wemark for photographers
Keep 85% of your revenue
Know exactly who licensed your photos
Keep full rights on your photos
Join a supportive community of independent creators

Creators license their content directly to customers while keeping all the rights to their content and maintaining control over its price.

Mutually agreed terms are registered on the blockchain and become immutable.

The blockchain becomes the new middleman - automatically managing and distributing payments with full transparency.

Getting others familiarized with Wemark and promoting content on the platform will be automatically rewarded by the protocol.

Why photos?

Stock photography is the most centralized vertical in the digital content industry, with Shutterstock and Getty Images controlling a large part of the market. They take most rights and control away from photographers, provide no transparency, and keep up to 85% of the revenue simply because they can.

Wemark Token

Wemark Tokens will serve as a native payment system for the network. They will be used to reward all the relevant parties for creating, distributing and promoting digital content
Our Team



Web: https://www.wemark.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/wemark
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_wemark
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WemarkOfficial/
Medium: https://medium.com/wemark-stories/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wemark

Author: Vincent
Admin group Airdrop & ICO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/174689159952121/
My bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1190609

Myetherwallet: 0x5A68BedC4609AB68a2f14CD610B06786983Fe804

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